Sunday, September 27, 2009

Share Your Thanks

Starting this weekend, 122,000 brown grocery bags are being delivered to Winnipeg homes courtesy of the Winnipeg Free Press. Winnipeg Harvest is asking people to share their thanks and good fortunte with those in our community who are in need.

From now until Thanksgiving, simply fill the grocery bag with non-perishable food items and drop it off at your local Canada Safeway; or during your shop purchase a $5 or $10 pre-packaged food hamper.

Thanksgiving is the traditional time of harvest, a time to celebrate a good crop and our good fortune with family and friends. We usually load up our grocery carts with special purchases to make Thanksgiving dinner a memorable one. But the holiday can be bleak for many of our most vulnerable citizens. Winnipeg Harvest thanks you for Sharing Your Thanksgiving. Most grocery outlets are equipped with bins near the front of their store to accept your donation of groceries to Winnipeg Harvest year round.

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